Migatsu Font is a serif font with bold, modern characteristics. The strokes are bold and dramatic, especially in the terminal sections, which enhance the visual impact of the font and have extreme inktrap.
Thanks for downloading Migatsu Font By Bring to Type
Link Full Version https://bringtotype.gumroad.com/l/tzbwzc?layout=profile
– Font For personal use only and may not be published.
Paypal account for donation [email protected]
Extended License or Corporate License Visit me
email [email protected]
> Any commercial use of the font must be purchased
license first and if you are caught using the font
commercially without using our official license,
you will be subject to a very large fine.
in Bahasa
> Segala bentuk penggunaan font secara komersial harus dibeli
lisensi terlebih dahulu dan jika ketahuan memakai font
secara komersil tanpa memakai lisensi resmi dari kita,
akan di kenai denda yang sangat besar.