Minora Font Family

Minora Sans Serif Font is a modern sans serif typeface inspired by the historic geometric’s of the 1920’s. Glyphs with open, plain and reduced forms are attributes of Minora. Several OpenType features allow different figure sets, fractions and more. Minora had its beginning in 2007 during Alex Meier’s Typedesign study (CAS Typedesign) at the ZHdK in Zurich (Switzerland). After graduation, Alex Meier continued working on this project in a shared studio with his former fellow student.

Big thanks to Alex Meier for providing us this free font. Minora Sans Serif Font is the free demo version that contains only Uppercase, Lowercase, and Numeral Characters. So, if you want to access more features, feel free to check out the full version.

: Dec 7, 2022
: 9,112
View all Glyphs Minora-Trial-Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Minora-Trial-Bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Minora-Trial-Black The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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