Mixa Font Family

Mixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font FamilyMixa Font Family

Mixa Script Font Family Free Demo

Befonts introduce to you the set of fonts, Misa font designer by Fontfabric, this is a form of Sans Serif fonts mixed with the classical handwritten script.

Neo-grotesque Sans Serif mixed with the classical handwritten Script in slanted geometric shapes – that’s the way Mixa was born. Those two faces of the new font family makes it as much as unique and recognizable. When you’re using the Capitals only nobody will suspect that there is script hidden in the lowercase. That’s why all eight weights can be combined perfectly with wide list of classical Sans Serif, Slab Serif and Serif typefaces.

This is the fee mirnx, only 1 weight (Mixa Extra Light), the full version has 9 weight, you just buy the full version to support him.

Thanks to Fontfabric, this is a free, personal use only, and you visit his shop, and buy his products under the link below.

: Aug 8, 2016
: 11,795


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