Overglow Font

Overglow Font is an Handwritten type designed with classic and highlevel feel. Designed specifically for artworks with an 80s and 90s atmosphere, this font is a perfect match for synthwave, vaporwave and aesthetic elements. Ideal for titles and logotypes, Overglow is a versatile font that can be used in so many ways – thanks to its many ligatures, underlines and glyphs this is a multitasking font!

Thanks to Indieground Design Inc who has generously sharing free demo of this exquisite typeface for us to try. So, if you like Overglow Font, make sure to get yourself its full version. With this, you will get access for commercial license and more awesome features.

: Jul 2, 2023
: 6,705
View all Glyphs OverglowFont-Demo The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs OverglowFont-Demo The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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