Quatre Quarts (100% free)

Quatre Quarts is an all caps condensed & monospace typeface. It’s free for any use.

It has a kinda retro look, because I was inspired by some Art Déco typefaces.

I created it following a simple rule : the width of each character is 1/4 of its height, and the thickness of the lines is 1/4 of the width.

“Quatre quarts” is also a traditional French cake, named after the proportions of its ingredients : 1/4 flour, 1/4 butter, 1/4 sugar and 1/4 milk.

Quatre Quarts is a display typeface. Use it for titles, or illustrations. Here are some samples showing what you can do with it :

The FontForge source file is included in the download, so feel free to improve the font (kerning, new characters or ligatures…) if you need to.

: Aug 22, 2017
: 10,317
: Valentin François
View all Glyphs quatrequarts The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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