Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Rotulista Typeface

Introducing Rotulista Typeface. Rotulista designed and shared by Sam Bumbalo, a designer comes from Kent, OH, USA. ROTULISTA is a typeface inspired by Mexican sign painting. It is hard working and flexible, while maintaining personality and friendliness. Perfect for headlines, body copy, and protest signs; Rotulista aims to captures what America was built on; hope, not hatred.

Thanks to Sam Bumbalo. Rotulista is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Aug 22, 2017
: 6,118
View all Glyphs rotulista-regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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