Salo Font Family

Salo Font is an elegant, hand-crafted font duo with a warm and familiar feel. The serif version refers to the beautiful and sophisticated typefaces found on the signs of cafes, restaurants, and fashionable boutiques. Its complemented by the sans variant, inspired by Italian modernism and road signage. All styles are based on the same core but with a totally different expressions. The biggest challenge during the project was designing all of the glyphs compatible to work as a 100% variable font. In the OTF version, SALO has 4 varieties: Serif, Semi Serif, Semi Sans and Sans. The family of these typefaces is suitable both for posters, magazine headlines, and branding purposes where the character will count. It is worth experimenting and combining different varieties with each other. (This font cannot be used to create a logo with the phrase “FRANCO”).

Thanks very much to Borutta Group. Salo Font just personal use only, if you need for commercial use and full version please download in here.


: Jan 3, 2023
: 7,769
View all Glyphs SaloTest-Aldo-uploaded-63b4f202b692c.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs SaloTest-Giorgio-uploaded-63b4f20118b85.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs SaloTest-Paolo-uploaded-63b4f20118769.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs SaloTest-Uberto-uploaded-63b4f202a0a3a.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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