The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype

The Boundaries Logotype – Demo Version

Are you designing a logo template? I would like to introduce to you a logotype style, it will help your design work quickly, and promote your brand prominently. Introducing The Boundaries Logotype! The Boundaries designed by Dirtyline Studio. The Boundaries is a handmade Clean typeface, with authentic brush imperfections, and a very bouncy baseline It has a perfectly paired complimentary marker font , and a super handy set of bonus Swash. Ideal for logos, handwritten quotes, product packaging, header, poster, merchandise, social media & greeting cards.

Thanks to Dirtyline Studio. This is the demo version. The Boundaries free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

: Jun 22, 2017
: 7,764
View all Glyphs the-boundaries-free-demo The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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