Creaty Handwritten Font is a simple and sweet script font. Suitable for various designs such as t-shirt designs, quotes, weddings, business cards and more. This font supports multiple languages and also alternates. For alternates y, g, j, z you can use them easily, by typing: y2, g2, j2, z2
– English
This product free for personal use.
For commercial purposes please visit https://fontbundles.net/dilbadil/2282730-creaty-sweet-simple-script or you can contact me at [email protected]
– Indonesia
Produk ini gratis untuk penggunaan pribadi.
Untuk tujuan komersial, silakan kunjungi https://fontbundles.net/dilbadil/2282730-creaty-sweet-simple-script atau Anda dapat menghubungi saya di [email protected]
If you want DONATE click here https://paypal.me/dilbadil
I really appreciate your donations.
For alternates y, g, j, z you can use them easily, by typing: y2, g2, j2, z2
Big Thank you