Frontage Condensed Font Family

Frontage Condensed Font FamilyFrontage Condensed Font FamilyFrontage Condensed Font Family

Frontage Condensed Free Demo

Frontpage Condensed designed by Juri Zaech. Frontage Condensed is a layered type system inspired by eye-catching and colorful facade signage. Its main aspect is — like many typographic installations on storefronts — three dimensional. The narrow, generously spaced letterforms lend the typeface a bold and eminent voice. The more ornamental layers like Bulb or Neon bring nostalgia to the family, while the Shadow layer maximizes the spacial impression. The system’s ten layers can be used alone or combined making the family a versatile toolkit. The use of color reveals Frontage Condensed’s full potential, yet for stark applications it works great in black and white too. Check the specimen PDF for examples.

Thanks to Juri Zaech, this is the demo version, only one weight, and only free for personal use, you need a commercial license fonts his purchase to the address below

: Aug 14, 2016
: 42,369


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