Haboro Contrast Font Family

Haboro Contrast Font Family

Haboro Contrast Font Family

Haboro Contrast Font Family

Haboro Contrast Font Family

Haboro Contrast Font Family


Haboro Contrast Font Family

Introduce a family of sans serif fonts. Introducing Haboro Contrast Font Family! Haboro Contrast was designed by Jeremy Dooley. Capitalize on Contrast’s style with OpenType features, too. Packed with options like OpenType ligatures, stylistic sets, fractions, crafted small caps and old-fashioned figures, this font will keep your work fresh and attractive. If you need even more combinations for the right statement, use the entire Haboro hyperfamily and create the right balance to capture your reader’s eye…

Thanks very much to Insigne Design, This is the demo version, only 1 weight. Haboro Contrast Font is free for personal use. Please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Mar 27, 2017
: 18,607
View all Glyphs haborocontrastnormregular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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