K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface

K95 Alphabet Typeface – Free font

In the product designers are have a important important to fonts. If you are looking for a geometric font then I will introduce you to the font you need. Introducing K95Alphabet! It is designed by Danilo De Marco and Giulia Gambino and shared by Studio K95. K95 Alphabet is a geometric font designed in 2018. Each letter is shaped using the K95’s design logotype, it is have used basic geometrical shapes such as circle, square and triangle.

Thanks to Danilo De Marco, Giulia GambinoStudio K95. K95 Alphabet is free font and it can be used for commercial purposes. Is strictly forbidden the use of K, 9 and 5 to design a logo or logotype. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Mar 8, 2018
: 12,871
View all Glyphs k95alphabet The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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