Kessler Font Family

Kessler Font Family
Kessler Font Family

Kessler Font Family is a Trendy, stunning & modern style serif font for your fancy projects. Where its Display shines in the details of its hairlines and diamond shapes, Kessler Text distills this personality, ensuring the same twinkle without losing weight or causing reading discomfort. Kessler Text Regular is comfortable at 8pt with 12pt leading, while the Light weight will want slightly more scale to hold together. There is a ton of character in the small, sharp details maintained in the Text sizes, and distinctive curves found in glyphs like the lowercase a are maintained across all of Kessler’s styles. The italics carry the rhythms of Kessler quite literally forward, particularly with its standout, looping lowercase g. Other notable characters — such as the spurred lowercase r and the aristocratic capital A — sustain rich texture and even typographic color.

Traditionally, one could swap out the Text weight for the Display once the scale exceeds, say, 16pt. For more emphatic titling, or if you’re just too lazy for the nuance, Kessler Text Light can still serve just fine at larger sizes, and will create a more impactful horizontal rhythm due to the more significant top serifs. You’ll still get to enjoy Kessler’s diamond-shape titles and humble curves of its bowled letters.

Kessler Font is free for personal use. So, if you want to access more features and its full license contact Production Type designer

: Dec 7, 2023
: 7,706
View all Glyphs kesslersuperdisplay-italic-TRIAL-BF657264470c0e0.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslersuperdisplay-regular-TRIAL-BF657264480a888.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-bolditalic-TRIAL-BF657264480f00f.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-bold-TRIAL-BF65726448035ce.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-italic-TRIAL-BF65726447f36cd.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-lightitalic-TRIAL-BF657264482a8a8.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-light-TRIAL-BF65726448207f4.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-mediumitalic-TRIAL-BF65726447f3dbb.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-medium-TRIAL-BF65726448008d2.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-regular-TRIAL-BF6572644816465.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-thinitalic-TRIAL-BF6572644820d48.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertext-thin-TRIAL-BF6572644825bc0.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslerdisplay-italic-TRIAL-BF657264481a6ea.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslerdisplay-regular-TRIAL-BF657264481e435.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertextmono-italic-TRIAL-BF657264483268e.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs kesslertextmono-regular-TRIAL-BF6572644828f48.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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