Newsreader Serif Font

Newsreader Serif Font
Newsreader Serif Font

Newsreader Serif Font is a humble yet distinctive serif typeface, developed in a wide range of weights, with finely-tuned differences between the medium, text-oriented cuts (with wider tracking and more regular design) and the more extreme, display-oriented weights. It’s an original serif typeface designed by Production Type, primarily intended for continuous on-screen reading in content-rich environments.

Newsreader comes in Text, Display and Caption styles, each in 7 weights with corresponding Italic and also as variable font. It supports Google Fonts Latin Plus glyph set, enabling the typesetting of English, Western European languages as well as Vietnamese and 130+ other languages.

Thanks Production Type for creating such a great font!. Newsreader Serif Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Jul 29, 2020
: 10,292
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