Quando Typeface – Google Fonts

Quando Typeface - Google Fonts

Quando Typeface - Google Fonts

Quando Typeface - Google Fonts

Quando Typeface - Google Fonts

Quando Typeface – Google Fonts

Befonts introduce to you the set of fonts. Introducing Quando Typeface – Free font on Google Fonts. Quando designed by Joana Correia. Quando is a serifed text typeface inspired by brushy handwritten letters seen on an italian poster from the second world war. Quando is a flexible text typeface made for the web whose personality consistently shows in both small and large sizes. Quando’s low contrast design helps it work better on screens and smaller sizes. Especially distinctive letterforms include letters like the a, g, x and Q. Quando’s friendly feeling along with its clarity and familiarity makes it suitable for a broad range of uses.

Thanks very much to Joana Correia, Quando is free for personal use and commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: May 2, 2017
: 8,562
View all Glyphs quando-regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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