Soerabaja Typeface

Soerabaja Typeface

Soerabaja Typeface

Soerabaja Typeface

Continue to be a typeface from the Hanoded. Introducing Soerabaja Typeface. Soerabaja is the old Dutch spelling of Surabaya, an important trading port city in East Java (Indonesia). This all caps art deco font was based on old colonial posters I found, plus a sprinkling of my imagination. It seems I have a weak spot for Art Deco fonts named after Indonesian cities – partly because the country has always interested me and partly because my wife’s family is from Indonesia.

Thanks to Hanoded. This is the demo version, only 1 styles. Soerabaja Typeface free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

: Aug 16, 2017
: 11,751
View all Glyphs dk-soerabaja The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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