Fogli­hten No07 Font

Fogli­hten No07 Font

Introduce a family font. Introducing Fogli­hten No07 Font! Fogli­hten No07 was designed by glukfonts. Dec­o­ra­tive, serif font Fogli­hten No07 with stan­dard lig­a­tures, styl­is­tic sets, dec­o­ra­tive lig­a­tures, ter­mi­nal and ini­tial forms. Addi­tional FoglihtenNo07calt with ini­tial and final forms as default con­tex­tual alter­nates and alter­nate “r”.

Thanks very much to glukfonts. Fogli­hten No07 Font is free for Personal & Commercial Use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Apr 16, 2017
: 10,473
View all Glyphs foglihtenno07 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs foglihtenno07calt The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog